Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

Rafflesia Arnoldii

Rafflesia arnoldii 

Rafflesia arnoldii

Rafflesia Arnoldii is one of the three national flowers in Indonesia, the other two being the white jasmine and moon orchid. It was officially recognized as a national "rare flower".
Rafflesia Arnoldii or in Indonesia it’s been called as Padma Raksasa, is a flowes member of the genus Rafflesia. Its a parasitic plant that grows on plant tissues (liana). Rafflesia Arnoldii is one of plant that produces no leaves, stems or roots and does not have chlorophyll. The plant has a reddish brown colors of the petals, which are sprinkled with white freckles. and the largest flower bud ever recorded was found at Mount Sago, Sumatra in May 1956.  It was 43cm (17 in) in diameter

The naming of this giant flower is connected with the history of the first discovery in 1818 in the tropical forest of Bengkulu (Sumatra), somewhere near the river Manna, Lubuk Tapi, South Bengkulu. By this phenomenon, Bengkulu then became famous as The Land of Rafflesia.
This plant is an endemic plant in Sumatra, particularly in the southern part like Bengkulu, Jambi and South Sumatra. Kerinci Seblat National Park is an area of major conservation of this species. This species, together with the other members of the genus Rafflesia, threatened its status due to massive deforestation.



·         Reproduction – The Rafflesias life cycle begins when the parasitic growths on the plants vine root form small buds that resemble cabbage
.• Bud Growth – Rafflesia lacks leaves, stems and chlorophyll, and is incapable of photosynthesis. Instead, the buds grow by living off of the plants vine, draining nutrients and water from it.
• Flowers – In about nine months, the bud bursts, revealing an enormous, five-petaled flower. The reddish-brown flowers give off a pungent odor similar to rotting flesh, which attracts insects for pollination. Rafflesia plants are unisexual and most often produce either male or female flowers at a single site. To succeed at pollinating the plant, insects must visit bothmale and female flowers, which are usually not in close proximity to one another.
• Fruit – The fruit has smooth flesh that contains numerous tiny seeds. Once fruit and flower have both reached maturity, which takes five to seven days, this marks the end of the plants life cycle
.• Seeds – The smell of the fruits dead flesh attracts indigenous animals. The animals distribute the seeds, continuing the plants life cycle.

The people of Rejang tribe who inhabit hills from Central Bengkulu, Kepahiang, Rejang Lebong, and Lebong, nicknamed the Bengkulu iconic flowers as Bokor Satan’s flowers. Others call it the Ibeun Sekedei or the Ghost Grail.
This is because Rafflesia Arnoldii is believes to be Bokor betel of the forest, either in the form of mystical creatures and wild animals, such as tigers. Therefore, the people of the Rejang tribe had always been avoiding Raflesia flowers if they’re in the middle of the forest.
As the remaining primary forests of Borneo and Sumatra disappear, it can be assumed that the number of Rafflesia Arnoldii are diminishing. In fact, many are known to be nearing extinction and just completely nothing left.
Just like many rare plant in the world, Rafflesia Arnoldii is at risk of disintegration as the result of atmosphere damage as well as careless travelers walk around the sensitive vines and plants. There are many steps and plans taken to be able help Rafflesia Arnoldii recovering and far from extinction but so far, it’s happen to result nothing much.
The other facts of Rafflesia
  • The fruits of Rafflesia Arnoldii flowers are round and have a diameter of about 12 cm to 15 cm. This fruit contains many seeds favored by squirrels and rats.
  • Rafflesia Arnoldii has no root and no stem.
  • Rafflesia Arnoldii and Bunga Bangkai is two different flower. Many thought that both of it is the same when actually they’re very much different.
  • When Rafflesia Arnoldii bloom, the size of it can reach 1 meter while weighing 11 kilograms.
  • Rafflesia Arnoldii has five flower crowns.
  • Rafflesia Arnoldii can only be found in Indonesia. In the island of Sumatra, to be exact.
  • This flower is only last one week after it bloom before wither and die.
  • Before growing and fully blooms, this flower will be hidden inside the host’s body for months.
  • The flower of Rafflesia Arnoldii doesn’t has leaves, so it can not do photosynthesis like many plants in general.
  • The naming of the Rafflesia Arnoldii flower is based on the combined name of Thomas Stamford Raffles as the expedition leader and Dr. Joseph Arnold as the discoverer of the flower.
  • The Rafflesia flower habitat is a primary and secondary tropical forest, such as, Sumatra, Malaysia, Java, southern Thailand, Borneo, and southern Philippines.
  • Rafflesia Arnoldii is not an insectivorous plant like many people thought. It wasn’t the same with Kantong Semar plant.

1. They are include the three national "rare flowers" ,except ... 
a. Moon orchid
b. Rose gold
c.Rafflesia arnoldii 
d. White jasmine 

2. How Rafflesia arnoldii smells? 
a. similar to rose flowers
b. similar to jasmine flowers
c. similar to rotting flesh
d. have no smell

3. Who is the expedition leader of Rafflesia arnoldii?
a.Thomas Stamford Raffles 
b.Dr. Joseph Arnold
c. Thomas Alfa Edison 
d. Dr.Prof.Joseph Richard

4. Where's the largest flower bud ever recorded?
a.Mount Sago 
b.Mount Krakatau 
c.Mount Everest 
d.Mount Jayawijaya

5. There are the other name of Rafflesia arnoldii,except.. 
a. Corpse flower
b.Padma Raksasa
c.Bokor Satan's flowers
d. Bunga Bangkai